We Believe...
We are a family of Christians from different backgrounds, nations and cultures, joined together in a local New Covenant community by the Holy Spirit. We believe in:
- The full inspiration of the Bible and in its full authority in all matters relating to life and doctrine.
- The doctrine of the Trinity as One Triune God subsisting in Three Persons; The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit,
- The free gift of a right-standing with God through personal faith in the person in Jesus Christ and in His accomplished work of full atonement for sin achieved by His substitutionary sacrifice on Calvary.
- The bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and in his ascension and enthronement at the right hand of the Father.
- The baptism of the Holy Spirit and Christ's promise that the Holy Spirit would indwell those who received Him.
- The power of the indwelling Spirit to create a new heart and a new spirit in His people,
- The power of the indwelling Spirit to enable His people to be His witnesses to the whole world and to fulfil, with signs following, the gospel commission.
- The power and presence of the Holy Spirit to lead and to enable the local church in its life and witness and in the continuing ministry of spiritual gifts, distributed as God wills.
- The practice of believer's baptism by immersion in water, subsequent to confession of personal faith.
- The proclamation of Christ's death and Second Coming in the practice of the Breaking of Bread.
- The personal, physical, return of our Lord Jesus Christ and in His appointment as the Judge of all at the coming final judgment.
Our purpose and desire is...
- To declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9)
- and to grow together in the life and knowledge of God.